Quamtra Manager

Manage your city’s waste based on its true needs

Quamtra Manager

Smart waste management software platform that allows to programme in advance the necessary resources, through continuous bin and container monitoring, according to the real needs of the city in relation with its waste generation.

Know everything about city’s waste management service at a glance

Constant updating of asset’s status (bins, containers, deposits)

Make agile decisions

Data collection through deployment of autonomous sensors

Customize each asset

Remote managed devices can be adapted to the environment which monitors

Organise data

The platform collects and storages the information so users can exploit it through an intuitive and easy interface

Analyse the information

By analysing asset data, it is possible to extract records and trends, as well as identify risks and know the quality of waste collection services

How Quamtra Manager upgrades waste management in cities and territories

Clean and Efficient City

Clean and Efficient City Sustainability and Savings

A circular economy model that optimizes energy resources to create a more efficient, sustainable and resilient environment while also generating economic savings

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Smart Destinations

Smart Destinations Innovative Tourist Destinations

Technology conceived to transform territories into smart and sustainable destinations that deliver an enhanced digital tourism experience

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Smart Campus

Smart Campus A smart environment for the University Community

Involve the entire university community in fostering a shared vision for its campus

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Unification and structuring of the collected data by the sensors on a single platform


Easy and intuitive platform management


Easy reading and decision making by the user


Full control over device configuration


Integrability with third-party software


Multiple configurable options for alarms

Technical Specifications


  • Visual location of bin and waste containers on map.
  • Identification of infractions.
  • Histogram of fill levels.
  • Geo-positioning of containers.
  • Various alert setups: movement, shacking, temperature, fire, overflow and dumps.
  • Information flow at the container level.
  • Reports and statistics.
  • Aggregated information of bin and containers in waste collection routes.
  • Geotracking of monitored assets (GPS optional).


  • Robustness in the service measures (internal registry values).
  • Remote setup.
  • Automation of daily container routes executive reports.
  • Integration with sensors through MQTT protocol over TCP/IP. This protocol is aimed to the communication of IoT sensors due to its low consumption of bandwidth and battery.
  • Integration with client’s waste management solutions through REST service for exchange of information with third-party softwares. Quamtra Manager’s API is developed in RESTful architecture and uses GET and POST requests as transport, answers are returned in JSON.
  • Web access (computer, laptop, tablet or phone).
  • Deployment app.
  • Easy and simple interface.
  • Various user’s profiles (admin, reader, manager, subcontract).


Additional services and modules resulting from the analysis of the information obtained by Quamtra Manager:


  • Service audits: thanks to the information obtained, it is possible to assess the level of quality of service provided by those responsible for waste management.
  • Container analysis: evaluation of the suitability of current locations, as well as the inclusion of new containers to optimize the service.
  • Access to use trends of containers by citizens.
  • Quamtra Manager represents the ideal tool for the evaluation of conscience and awareness-raising campaigns impact, allowing users to adapt the service increasing the penetration rate.


Quamtra Manager and hardware devices Q Sensor and MiniQ are part of Quamtra Smart Waste Management solution.

Quamtra Smart Waste Management is the ideal solution for cities to adapt its waste management service to citizen’s demand. This solution allows users to know the status of city’s containers through the deployement of sensors that deliver information to a software platform which compiles and data so that users can exploit it.

Do you want to know how Quamtra Manager optimizes your city's waste management?