WeLight Manager

Manage your city lighting and control its consumption

WeLight Manager

Content management system (CMS) that allows the monitoring and control of the streetlighting infrastructure to fully manage all the services related to lighting from a single platform.

Know all the data of your service instantly

Monitoring and control of the equipment. Data is collected every five seconds

Real time decision making

Consumption monitoring in real time, lighting operation programming, incidence alerts and maintenance management

Manage each light point remotely

Management of assets with geo-positioning and key parameters

Easy deployment

Deployment through an app for commisioning and testing. SaaS and On-premise devilery schemes

Data Analysis

Consumption saving reports, service levels (SLA), billing and saving deviations

How WeLight Manager assists in the management of streetlighting

Safe city

Safe city The city that reacts

The Safe City model integrates and interacts with multiple elements in a city to ensure urban safety for its citizens

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Clean and Efficient City

Clean and Efficient City Sustainability and Savings

A circular economy model that optimizes energy resources to create a more efficient, sustainable and resilient environment while also generating economic savings

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Smart Destinations

Smart Destinations Innovative Tourist Destinations

Technology conceived to transform territories into smart and sustainable destinations that deliver an enhanced digital tourism experience

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Smart Campus

Smart Campus A smart environment for the University Community

Involve the entire university community in fostering a shared vision for its campus

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Detection of consumption deviations in real time


Electricity consumption control


Detection of streetlighting incidences to accelerate response times


Compatible with multiple technologies and manufacturers


Generation of reports, statistics and incident reports


Simple and intuitive use of the interface

Technical Specifications


  • Inventory management: centralized asset inventory management system.
  • Energetic management: Detailed information on energy consumption at the control panel level and each luminaire’s.
  • Preventive/Corrective maintenance (optional): Quick and easy access to work orders. Asset management using the same platform and database. Assets’ information and status can be updated in real time.
  • Reports: generation of reports of incidents and breakdowns of the equipment. Possibility of sharing statistics.
  • Invoice charges (optional): Billing reports to calculate expenses and savings.


  • Integrated management of all the services related to lighting requested by the client.
  • Web Access (PC, tablet or phone).
  • Unified access interface.
  • Easy and intuitive interface.
  • Various user’s profiles: reader, subcontract, manager, admin.
  • Modular design.
  • User-friendly.


WeLight Manager, along with Unigate and the Actis LPC (Light Point Controller) nodes, are part of WeLight Smart Lighting Solution.

WeLight Smart Lighting is a solution based on the remote management of luminaires that upgrades the control of public lighting infrastructure, detecting possible deviations of consumption, incidents or failures at the operational level and allowing to prepare reports and achieve savings.

The solution not only guarantees the highest energy efficiency, but also has applications for public and road safety when integrated with other devices, such as artificial vision cameras or flow and noise sensors. Also, the remote control applied to luminaires with chromatic variation can be applied a use of ornamental adaptive lighting that can be adjusted according to the needs of an event, park, monument or museum.

Do you want to know how WeLight Manager optimizes the lighting network, making better use of energy consumption?