WeSave Energy Efficiency

Monitor energy consumption and other environmental parameters in buildings and facilities


Today, energy consumption is one of the main expenditure items of companies and public administrations. Controling and managing the consumption in an efficient and effective way is becoming more and more indispensable. Besides, the most complex systems need a tailored monitoring of energy and other interesting parameters such as the flux of people at a certain point or room temperature.


WeSave is a solution based on a monitoring and control platform of energy infrastructures in buildings and facilities. It is designed flexibily to become into a point of monitoring for all types of settings. WeSave is suitable for several sensors which allows to manage both energy parameters and other interesting indicators.

The architecture, based on IP communications, allows centralizing data in a simple and transparent way. Furthermore, its open architecture makes it compatible with already installed systems and allows the future addition of new elements.

WeSave can integrate several sensors such as:

  • People counting to correlate the information with the energy consumption of a certain place.
  • Motion sensors.
  • Temperature sensors.
  • Environmental sensors.
  • Water parameter sensors.
  • Industry Performace sensors.

The architecture of WeSave is composed by the following components: WeSave Manager, the software tool that tracks the energy monitoring and analyses the data collected, the equipment for energy monitoring in the installation and the communication systems.

The system is mounted on a building or facility’s electrical panels and includes an Unigate (the gateway designed for the monitorization and remote management of control system),

The solution is normally implemented in the cloud. For communications, uses any of the existing networks of the client (WiFi, Ethernet), using the Internet connection or GPRS in case you want to become independent from pre-existing installations. In any case, the solution is compatible with any type of communications.


  • Monitor every necessary circuitry: heating, lighting, IT, computing equipment, machinery, photovoltaic panels, etc.
  • Analysis, detection and location of deviations and faults thanks to its ability to segment information.
  • Reduction of operating costs.
  • Integration of other sensors: temperature, humidity, flumes, motion sensors, RFID reader, etc.
  • Compatible with multiple technologies and manufacturers.
  • Compatible and integrated with customer information systems.
  • Fast web based access. User-friendly interface for convenient, flexible control and management by the user.
  • Act by implementing behavior and use policies.
  • Raise awareness about energy saving habits.


Case study


Energy consumption at wastewater treatment plants across Europe is increasing by more than 15 GWh per year. This number shows significant room for improvement by implementing innovative energy control systems that significantly increase energy efficiency in the processes involved in these facilities, in order to meet energy reduction objectives set for 2020.

The main goal of ENERWATER Horizon2020 was to develop, validate and disseminate an innovative standard methodology for the evaluation, labeling, and continuous improvement of global energy performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), to achieve an estimated energy reduction of 20-30%, depending on the intervening processes and adopted services.


Wellness TechGroup’s role in this project centered on one of its key objectives: to reduce energy consumption by at least 30% at 65 water treatment plants. To meet this challenge, Wellness TechGroup installed energy monitoring systems in WWTPs using the WeSave Energy Efficiency solution and collected consumption data for multiple processes.

Data was compiled via a management platform implemented by Wellness TechGroup and made available to managers at each facility, unifying the management of all implicated plants under a single platform.

Additionally, Wellness TechGroup created an online tool allowing WWTP managers to self-assess the energy efficiency of existing processes at the plants. This tool laid the foundations of a standard certification system for energy audits in these settings.


  • Decreased energy consumption in water treatment processes.
  • Reduced energy impacts: public savings, lower CO2 emissions, and a guaranteed secure energy supply.
  • Increased competition among construction sector and equipment manufacturers for European WWTPs.
  • New business models based on the standard methodology that follow the model of energy performance contracts.

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