Enerwater: monitoring energy consumption at 65 WWTP

Project fiche


European Union




Wastewater treatment




The creation of a monitoring platform, development of standard methodology, and online auditing tool to improve energy efficiency at wastewater treatment plants.

The project


Energy consumption at wastewater treatment plants across Europe is increasing by more than 15 GWh per year. This number shows significant room for improvement by implementing innovative energy control systems that significantly increase energy efficiency in the processes involved in these facilities, in order to meet energy reduction objectives set for 2020.

The main goal of ENERWATER Horizon2020 was to develop, validate and disseminate an innovative standard methodology for the evaluation, labeling, and continuous improvement of global energy performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), to achieve an estimated energy reduction of 20-30%, depending on the intervening processes and adopted services.


Wellness TechGroup’s role in this project centered on one of its key objectives: to reduce energy consumption by at least 30% at 65 water treatment plants. To meet this challenge, Wellness TechGroup installed energy monitoring systems in WWTPs using the WeSave Energy Efficiency solution and collected consumption data for multiple processes.

Data was compiled via a management platform implemented by Wellness TechGroup and made available to managers at each facility, unifying the management of all implicated plants under a single platform.

Additionally, Wellness TechGroup created an online tool allowing WWTP managers to self-assess the energy efficiency of existing processes at the plants. This tool laid the foundations of a standard certification system for energy audits in these settings.


  • Decreased energy consumption in water treatment processes.
  • Reduced energy impacts: public savings, lower CO2 emissions, and a guaranteed secure energy supply.
  • Increased competition among construction sector and equipment manufacturers for European WWTPs.
  • New business models based on the standard methodology that follow the model of energy performance contracts.